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Investigation of endosome and lysosome biology by ultra pH-sensitive nanoprobes

Most membrane-bound receptors are recycled back to cell surface for another round of delivery, while the ligands are destined for degradation in lysosomes. Many ligand- conjugated nanoparticle designs took advantage of receptor-mediated endocytosis for targeted delivery into endocytic organelles.

May ERP 16_L3000.indd

“When I get frustrated, I just let a song out, and then I feel better.” 40 YEARS’ SERVICE A U D R E Y D E R R I C K K E N N Y S H A M J A N E T S M I T H It helps to get out and actually meet the patients in person, which occasionally happens when she goes out on rounds.

Handbook for Postdoctoral Scholars at UT Southwestern

There are has many recreational parks and opportunities to participate in outdoor sports all year round due to mild winter weather.

Student Organization Manual

• Receives packages/mailings Within the Student Life, Recreational Sports offers the university community a well-rounded program of sport and recreational opportunities. Those interested in sport club opportunities should contact the Intramural Director.

Spectrin is a mechanoresponsive protein shaping fusogenic synapse architecture during myoblast fusion

Newly recruited Duf and transiently stabilized Sns sets off additional rounds of protrusion formation, mechano- sensitive accumulation of α /β H-spectrin and the recruitment of additional CAMs.

Polyvalent design in the cGAS-STING pathway

Round, T. Maniatis, D. Panne, Crystal structure and mechanism of activation of TANK-binding kinase 1, Cell Rep. 3 (3) (2013) 734–746. [84] D. Tu, Z. Zhu, Alicia Y. Zhou, C.-h. Yun, K.-E. Lee, Angela V. Toms, Y. Li, Gavin P. Dunn, E. Chan, T. Thai, S. Yang, Scott B. Ficarro, Jarrod A. Marto, H.

Moral Reasoining in Scientific Research

The current notes for each case are the result of several rounds of discussion and revision. References Bebeau, M.J. (1990) Using classroom assessment to improve instruction in ethical decision making: Two data-based examples.